Returning from Paris-Photo, Book comments by Matthew Shaul BOOK ORDER DIRECTLY BY F&D CARTIER
Matthew Shaul book comments after returning from Paris-Photo… BOOK ORDER DIRECTLY FROM F&D CARTIER
F&D Cartier Françoise et Daniel Cartier Via unique one off creations of photo-based woks in constant transformation, we question the sense of the image, memory and lost, Time. We experimentally probe the essence of photography, its fundamentals, light, photosensitive materials, the turning point of analogue photography to digital >post-digital photography.
Minimalist experiments and performance, found objects, work without a camera, darkroom or chemicals > Wait and See, 1998 – Today : on-going research, in-situ installations of expired photosensitive materials exposed directly to the light of the exhibition spaces, luminograms left in perpetual transformation, left unfixed. The shared experience engages the audience to face reality instead of looking at a picture, invites them to be patient, and the history of photography is retraced, echoing subjectively the historical and artistic collateral events of the 19th and 20th centuries, by selecting for each iteration of our installations expired photographic materials (1870-1990), from various sources (900 different ones), depending on the singular situation of each exhibition space, in particular its history, topography, location, …
Returning from Paris-Photo, Book comments by Matthew Shaul BOOK ORDER DIRECTLY BY F&D CARTIER
Matthew Shaul book comments after returning from Paris-Photo… BOOK ORDER DIRECTLY FROM F&D CARTIER