experimental photography
WAIT AND SEE_f&d cartier_Kaunas Photography gallery, June 26th - July 27th 2014_detail as.jpg


F&D Cartier  Via unique one off creations of photo-based woks in constant transformation, we question the sense of the image, memory and lost, Time. We experimentally probe the essence of photography, its fundamentals, light, photosensitive materials, the turning point of analogue photography to digital >post-digital photography.
Minimalist experiments and performance, found objects, work without a camera, darkroom or chemicals > Wait and See, 1998 – Today : on-going research, in-situ installations of expired photosensitive materials exposed directly to the light of the exhibition spaces, luminograms left in perpetual transformation, left unfixed. The shared experience engages the audience to face reality instead of looking at a picture, invites them to be patient, and the history of photography is retraced, echoing subjectively the historical and artistic collateral events of the 19th and 20th centuries, by selecting for each iteration of our installations expired photographic materials (1870-1990), from various sources (900 different ones), depending on the singular situation of each exhibition space, in particular its history, topography, location, …


Françoise & Daniel Cartier

School of Applied Arts in Berne _Retraining & Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, _ MFA Photography

Experimental photography / Found objects / Experimental photography

As a duo, we explore the essential elements of photography : photosensitive materials, light, time. Minimalist experimental research, without a camera.

‘This absolute photograph is perhaps one that is never taken, one that consacrates nothing visible...’ Marguerite Duras


2024 Kunstmuseum Solothurn Jahresausstellung 2024

Regina Anzenberger Gallery Wien “The Secret Service of Flowers

Journées photographiques de Bienne 3-26.5.24 Centre Art Bienne


Gewerbemuseum Winterthur “Mining Photography” 09.2023 - 01.24

Kunst Haus Wien “Mining Photography” 28.03 - 28 05. Book

Photo Basel 2023 & 100 Ausstellungen Monika Wertheimer Gallery

Instagram Residency Visarte Biel-Bienne 1 janvier - 31 mars 2023 Joli mois de Mai 2023 vidéo


DZ BANK Kunststiftung Frankfurt am Main “Passagen” >PDF KATALOG . 1.06 - 15.10.22 *Ausstellungsfilm Interview F&D Cartier

Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg “Mining Photography” 15.07 - 31.10.22 video presentation by Dr. E. Ruelfs & B. Levin PDF invitation

Juraplatz Bienne/Biel, Wait and See


George Eastman Museum Rochester Video&Comments >collection > 09.22


ISELP, institut d’art contemporain, Bruxelles Wait and See

Kunstmuseum Solothurn Jahresaustellung *virtual tour>


Smena Center of Modern Culture, Kazan Wait and See

Centre d'art Pasquart, Biel/Bienne


University Applied Arts Vienna / Reset the Apparatus!  Vienna Wait and See

Metenkov's Museum of Photography, Yekaterinburg   Wait and See

Uno Art Space Stuttgart

Kunstmuseum Thun

Kunstmuseum Solothurn


Wilhelm-Hack Museum, Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie, Ludwigshafen “Farewell Phography”

Musée d'art de Pully “Les évidences du réel”

Bialystok, Poland   Grand Prix, finalist

Kunstbezirk Stuttgart “Get the Kodak…”          


Swiss Photo Award, Zurich Wait and See

Transformer Station Art Museum, Cleveland UNFIXED: the fugitive image


Musée de la Photographie à Charleroi Wait and See

Kunsthalle Berne

elizabeth houston gallery , New York  F&D Cartier

Imago Mundi collection Venezia Fondazione Cini Wait and See


The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Shadows on the Wall: Cameraless 1851 to Today

Blue Sky Gallery Portland, Oregon Wait and See

Kaunas Photo Gallery _NominatedDeutsche Börse Photography Prize, Lithuania

New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fe « Cameraless »

University of Hertfordshire Galleries, Museum of St Albans- London Wait and See


FFotogallery Turner House Gallery Cardiff, Wales UK Wait and S

Diffusion_ Cardiff International Festival of Photograpy

Casa Rusca Locarno Varlin & Daniel Cartier

AnzenbergerGallery Vienna


Kunstraum Aarau


Nouveau Musée Bienne, Bienne, Journées Photo   Wait and See


Buenos Aires


Fotostiftung Schweiz, Winterthur


Yossi Milo Gallery, New York


Saint-Gervais Genève, 1er Prix Michel Jordi 1998

·       C O L L E C T I O N S

Fotostiftung Schweiz Winterthur

Kunststiftung DZ BANK Frankfurt

Kunstsammlung F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG Basel

Foundation Herzog, Laboratorium Photographie Basel

Akris collection Sankt-Gallen

Musée de l’Elysée Lausanne

Collection des Arts visuels de la Ville de Bienne

Collection d’oeuvres d’art du Canton de Berne

George Eastman Museum Rochester

Fred and Laura Ruth Bidwell Foundation Cleveland

Portland Art Museum, Portland

Museum of Fine Arts Houston

Rolla Foundation, Bruzella

Imago Mundi Helvetia, Luciano Benetton Collection

Museet for Fotokunst, Odense

Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro

·       D I S T I N C T I O N S

Office de la Culture du Canton de Berne >Bourse publications OEUVRE D’ARTISTE/WERK-BUCH 2023

Deutsche Börse Photography Prize, Nomination 2015

Kaunas Photogallery artist in residence, Lithuania, 2013

Istituto Svizzero di Venezia Artists-in-residence, 2008

National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Creativity Grant Fellowship (USA), 2004

Landis & Gyr Foundation Zug, Artists-in-residence, London 1999

Michel Jordi Photographic Prize, Saint-Gervais Geneva 1998

Swiss Federal Photographic Grants 1980 and 1977 click for vidéo

·       P U B L I C A T I O N S

Direct sales: fdcartier@bluewin.ch. Price CHF 95.- , signed Free shipping in Switzerland Other countries 35-42 .- CHF

Direct sales: fdcartier@bluewin.ch Price CHF 49.- signed Free shipping in Switzerland Other countries 35-42 .- CHF

“Passagen” Reihe Kunststiftung DZ BANK Frankfurt, Band 4 isbn: 978-3-9823290-3-1

“Mining Photography. The ecological Footprint of Image Production” Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Spector Books isbn 978-3-95905-656-4 book review Aperture Foundation

Eikon Magazin #120 “The Never Taken Images” | Pia Draskovits Fotostiftung Schweiz “99 Fotografien” _Lars Müller Publishers, 2021
Transbordeur photographie, No 4, 2020 Color Mania Material of Color Photography Film, Fotomuseum Winterthur 2019 Fotografiegeschichte der Abstraktion, Kathrin Schönegg. Walter König 2019
Reset The Apparatus! De Gruyter Verlag 2019 Berner Almanach Fotografie Atelier Berne 2019 Acquisitions collections George Eastman Museum, Rochester 2018 Katalog - Journal of Photography/Video 29.2 2018 Farewell Photography, Verlag Walther König 2017
La Photographie face à ses lacunes. Pauline Martin /Ithaque 2017 Le Temps, 03.2017 Kunst Bulletin 4/2017 Eikon #Reset the Apparatus! 2017
Musée Charleroi Périodique 2016
Mould ≠2, Degree Zero, curator J. Fontcuberta 2016 inside
Imago mundi helvetia,luciano benetton collection, 2015 Blue Sky  2013-2015 Eikon Austria 2014 Vogue, 2013
Hochparterre Zurich 2013 Intervalles photographie contemporaine, bienne, 2013 Journées photographiques de Bienne 2011 Villa Garbald, Varlin im Bergell, 2007 Eyemazing, Amsterdam, 2007 Spot magazine, Houston, 2006 Selbstsicht - der Schritt ins Bild, DT Fotografie, 2006 Branding, Centre d’art Pasquart Bienne 2006 Blue Sky Critical Mass, Portland USA, 2005 Varlin – Dürrenmatt – Horizontal Scheidegger&Spiess 2005 Fotophile, nr. 44, New York, 2003 Passages, nr. 34, Pro Helvetia, 2003 Le Temps Universel Daniel Cartier, Musée Elysee Lausanne 1995-96

O N L I N E Fotostiftung Switzerland Art Photo Index USA Zonezero.com Mexico Beta issue 10 Australia

FO R M A T I O N F Ecole d’Art Berne plastic art D Zürcher Hochschule der Künste | master fine arts photography .

LEGS/ARCHIVES/ESTATE F&D Cartier > Swiss Foundation for Photography Winterthur

DIGITAL ARCHIVES > Bibliothèque nationale suisse (BN)




introduction of the Wait and See Book, 2013, essay by David Drake, Director Ffotogallery, Cardiff Wales


English *Review Penarth

Français *Critique Radio

Mit Werken von: Gwenneth Boelens, Christian Boltanski, F&D Cartier Raphael Hefti, Sven Johne Timo Kahlen Sandra Kranich Lilly Lulay Beatrice Minda Richard Mosse Manfred Paul, Stephan Schenk .

F&D Cartier’s installation Wait and See, Frankfurt 2022 is now part of the Kunststiftung DZ BANK renowned collection of contemporary experimental photography.

Longtemps, l’histoire de l’abstraction s’est passée du médium de la photographie. Il faudra attendre la fin du XXe siècle, cinquante ans après son apogée dans l’art moderne, pour que l’abstraction connaisse une véritable renaissance dans la photographie contemporaine. L’article examine la thèse selon laquelle, derrière ce retour de l’abstraction, on assiste à une confrontation autoréflexive avec la matérialité et la médialité de l’acte photographique à l’ère de sa prétendue disparition. C’est avec l’avènement du numérique que l’abstraction photographique développe pour la première fois pleinement son potentiel. Les discours de crise, qui avaient déjà accompagné le tournant abstrait dans l’art au début du XXe siècle, s’instaureront tardivement dans le domaine de la photographie : dans les années 1990, avec le passage de l’analogique au numérique, on entend de plus en plus souvent parler de la « fin de la photographie ». Vingt ans après, le numérique a élaboré sa propre histoire. Aujourd’hui, l’art contemporain l’interpelle – et cette nouvelle photographie analytique se manifeste sous la forme d’une image abstraite. Kathrin Schönegg

get a sneak peak, The book traverses the history of photography’s abstraction: from the experimental beginnings of the medium in the 1830s through (pseudo) scientific, applied and artistic contexts to the digitization of today. It counteracts the collection of phenomena by the theory of art a history of abstraction, which takes into account the photographic materiality and mediality beyond and on this side of the image. With this "fundamental work on the history of photographic and discursive photographic abstraction" (German Society for Photography), Kathrin Schönegg touches on the foundations of the photographic and sheds new light on the integration of photography into the aesthetic discourse. Kathrin Schönegg, historienne de la photographie, curatrice auprès de la C/O Berlin Foundation. En 2018, la Société allemande de photographie lui a décerné le Prix de la recherche en histoire de la photographie pour sa thèse de doctorat sur la théorie et l’histoire de l’abstraction dans la photographie. Ouvrages récemment parus : Fotografiegeschichte der Abstraktion (2019) et Heinz von Perckhammer. Eine Fotografenkarriere zwischen Weimarer Republik und Nationalsozialismus (2018).

This publication highlights material aspects of color in photography and film, while also investigating the relationship of historical film colors and present-day photography. Works of contemporary photographers and artists who reflect on technological and culture-theoretical aspects of the material of color underline these relations. Thematic clusters focus on aesthetic and technological parallels, including fashion and identity, abstraction and experiment, politics, exoticism, and travel.

Color Mania contains a general introduction to color in film and photography (technique, materiality, aesthetics) as well as a series of short essays that take a closer look at specific aspects. An extensive image section illustrates the texts and color systems and continues the aesthetic experience of the various processes and objects in book form


The book illustrates that supposedly outmoded, analog practices in
contemporary photographic and cinematic art not only have maximum actuality, but also critical potential. Using the example of artists’ practices that are motivated by the idea of the photographic and/or the cinematic but do not necessarily lead to photographs or films, the book shows how, in multiple ways, the display tool—the apparatus—can be explored, taken apart, reflected, modified, and newly arranged. The contributions that have also emerged from cooperative efforts between artists and scientists focus on the required technical/material processes and demonstrate that knowledge of medial difference is also socio-politically relevant.

Long term research by the University of applied Arts in Vienna, Wait and See installations are part of two sections in the Corpus: Lost and Found and Material Agency

Review about the research Reset the Apparatus

