DZ BANK Kunststiftung Frankfurt Model> F&D Cartier Wait and See, Frankfurt 22
Passagen 1.06 - 15.10.2022 >click for catalogue
Mit Werken von:
Gwenneth Boelens
Christian Boltanski
F&D Cartier
Raphael Hefti
Sven Johne
Timo Kahlen
Sandra Kranich
Lilly Lulay
Beatrice Minda
Richard Mosse
Manfred Paul
Stephan Schenk

Centre d'art Bienne LA CHAMBRE BLEUE 3 - 26 MAI 2024

Kunst Haus Wien "MINING PHOTOGRAPHY" > MAY 2023
Ausstellungsansicht „Mining Photography“, KUNST HAUS WIEN 2023
Foto: Rudolf Strobl foto (c) Rudolf Strobl

Photo Book " The Never Taken Images Photographic Paper Archive" F&D Cartier Scheidegger& Spiess

Wait and See, Hamburg 14.07.2022 - ∞ Museum für Kunst & Gewerbe Hamburg
The *traveling exhibition "Mining Photography: The Ecological Footprint of Image Production" is dedicated to the material history of key resources used for photography, addressing the social and political context of their extraction and waste and its relation to climate change. Using historical photographs and contemporary artistic positions as well as interviews with a chemist, an activist, a restorer, a mineralogist and a biologist, the exhibition tells the story of photography as one of industrial production, showing the extent to which the medium has been deeply intertwined with the human change of the environment. By focusing on the ways by which industrial image production has been materially and ideologically implicated in climate change, rather than merely using it to depict its consequences, the exhibition of approximately 170 works employs a radically new perspective on this subject.
*in 2023-24 >Kunst Haus Wien and Gewerbemuseum Winterthur

MK&G Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg

INSPIRE > 28.11.2020 Wait and See, Bruxelles 16.09 - 28.11.2020
Dans le cadre de l'exposition 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑒, le duo d'artistes suisse 𝐅 & 𝐃 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐫 nous explique l'oeuvre exposée à l'ISELP, intitulée 𝑊𝑎𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑒𝑒, une cinquantaine de papiers photosensibles industriels (Kodak) épinglés à une cimaise. Leur chromatisme s'éveille dès le début de l'accrochage et évolue tout au long de l'exposition en fonction des variations lumineuses de leur environnement.
~~ l'exposition inspire est visible jusqu'au 28/11/2020 - entrée libre See vidéo ………….. écouter interview Revue de Presse Presse écrite, Radio, Web,..

Smena Center Kazan, Tatarstan Russia, 09. 2019

Show Room Pharmacy, Bienne May 2019
Art works from 1994 - onwards: Vase 1994, Red, 2018, Showroom 2019 Installed in an emblematic old house in the old town of Bienne, Switzerland, just before renovation.

Centre d'Art Pasquart Bienne, 2018-19
"Get the Kodak,...", 2018-2019 In-situ installation conceived uniquely with black/white expired Kodak papers from diferent periods, 1900 - 1980, the history of the format is evidenced as well, in perpetual transformation, from white to pastel monochroms. 460 x 200 cm

Kunstmuseum Solothurn, 2018-19
COLORS, 2018 Expired Plan-Films 1950-1980, Kodak, Agfa, Ilford, Contacts, Tasma unprocessed, perpetual transformation. 6x 100 x 70 cm

Lakelive Biel/Bienne Switzerland

Kunstmuseum Thun, 2018-19
RED, 1-12 Sovietic expired Plan-films 13x18cm Tasma, Kazan, USSR, 1970 UNFIXED, 80x60cm unprocessed, perpetual transformation

Metenkov's House Museum Yekaterinburg 2018
"The never taken images" in-situ photographic installation with sovietic expired papers (Photo Bumaga) dating from 1920 to 1989, just before fall of Berlin wall, end of cold war… Suprematism type, Malevitch, >4 walls pdf ..> video…>TV, Russia

Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie , 2017 "Farewell Photography"
Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie, Wilhelm Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen, >”Cloud” b/w photographic papers 6x9 to 50x60cm >>”Cascade”, Gevaert 1940, photosensitive paper roll > Video: Wolfgang Tillmans “Constellations”, Max Wolf's 19th century astronomical research and Adrian Sauer's “Clouds” figure in the same space

F&D Cartier Wait and See Biennale of Contemporary Photography 2017 Wilhelm-Hack_Museum Ludwigshafen

Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie , 2017 "Farewell Photography"
Wilhelm Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen, >”Cloud” b/w photographic papers 6x9 to 50x60cm >>”Cascade”, Gevaert 1940, photosensitive paper roll, offered by the archivist Musée Photographie Charleroi 2016 > Video: Wolfgang Tillmans “Constellations”, Max Wolf's 19th century astronomical research and Adrian Sauer's “Clouds” figure in the same space

RESET THE APPARATUS! University of Applied Arts Vienna, 2016-2019
Research Wait and See in 2 chapters, Lost & Found and Material Agency // University of Applied Arts Vienna. Project >Publication >pdf Reset the Apparatus! >pdf Eikon #97,

Interphoto Prize, Bialystok Poland, 2017 Finalist
Left wall, top line: German expired b/w papers, Record-Bayer & Schleussner, 1920 >>middle: Polish expired papers, Foton & Opta, 1950 _ 1918 >>>bottom: French & USA expired papers, Lumière & Kodak, 1920 _ 1950 >right wall: 16 Sovietic USSR, expirwed Photo Bumaga, ca. 1940-1970

Musée d'art de Pully, Suisse, 2017
“Evidences du réel. La photographie face à ses lacunes" >Book, Edition Ithaque Paris, 2017, Pauline Martin >Wall right: coïncidences paper expiration date >15.02.1944><opening dates 15.02.2017 >Radio Tel Suisse Romande RTS Info culture Left: varied production countries, Grid: England UK, Anchor symbol British Marine, expired b/w papers, Oct. 4th, 1945 -just a few days after end of World War II. Rare square format no-name, army paper. Video: voilée avant Opening

Kunst Bezirk Stuttgart, "Get the Kodak, we do the rest…." 2017
Installation Wait and See >solely Kodak b/w expired papers 1900 - 1980. Explosion from smallest to biggest (format history) produced by K . Vidéo installing and show.

Transformer Station Cleveland, 2016
“UNFIXED: The Fugitive Image” Wait & See, Cleveland Light, 2016 >Interview >Collection Fred and Laura Ruth Bidwell Foundation Concept: mostly expired US silvergelatin photographic papers, 1900 - 1980, among them a pack had been sold by a photoshop in Cleveland in the 20’s. Came back to its origin… Read more, Scene magazine: Unstuck in time, Jan 2016

Interlaken Museum, 2016-17
from series Light, 2016 > Magenta & Sepia Light, 2016 >Magenta Light, 25 Films négatifs vierge Gevaert 1946, 18x24cm >Sepia Light, 2016, 4 plaques de verre négatif, Gevaert 1920, 4x 30x40cm, sur support en aluminium >Evolution chromatique continue à la lumière du jour. Non fixés.

Magenta LIGHT, 2016
Film négatifs vierge Gevaert 1946, 18 x 24cm, détail
Evolution chromatique continue à la lumière du jour. Non fixés.

Sepia Light, 2016 Museum Interlaken 12.2016-01.2017
from series Wait and See, 4 Gevaert glass negatives 30 x40 cm, 1920 - offered by the archivist Museum Photo Charleroi

Kunsthalle Berne, 12.2016-01.17
“Night & Day 2016” from series Wait and See 98-present>Kunsthalle Berne, 2016 _ detail >#423 Lumière & Jougla Réunis, Paris, Jougla lisse mat - Bromure par développement, 1900, 8x Cartes Postales, uniques tirages bromure d’argent. Lumière & Jougla had been used by Marcel Duchamp, original in coll Philadelphia Museum of Art .

Kunsthalle Berne, 2016-17
Night & Day, from series Wait and See >Kunsthalle Berne, 2016 _ detail >#423 Lumière & Jougla Réunis, Paris, Jougla lisse mat - Bromure par développement, 1900, 8x Cartes Postales, uniques tirages bromure d’argent. Lumière & Jougla had been used by Marcel Duchamp, original in coll Philadelphia Museum of Art .

Swiss Photo Award Zurich, 2016
Nominated 3 Best works Fine Arts >#Swiss photosensitive papers >Video

Musée de la Photographie Charleroi, Belgique, 2015-2016
Wait & See / concept: 14 installations in relation to 14 production’s countries : USA, BRD, DDR, UK, CH, AT, F, ESP, JAP, TCH, HUN, POL, USSR, RU, PLUS a tribute to Belgian photography thanks to the Museum’s archivist who handed us expired Belgian Gevaert papers, glass plates negatives and a rare roll of 100m x 35.6cm, dating 1920-1980. See video panorama of installation

Musée de la photographie à Charleroi 2015-16
Tribute to Belgian photography >Installation of 7 Gevaert papers, offered on the very same day we installed, by the archivist of the Musée Charleroi +Gevaert rare glass plates negatives 30x40cm (see work Light, 2016) and a rare Gevaert roll of 100m x 35.6cm (see video works Cascade 17 and Showroom 19,) 1920-1980. >Interview 1 en Français Radio Television Belge >Interview audio 2 RTVB French >vidéo montage

Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts Houston, 2014
Shadows on the Wall, cameraless from 1851 > today “Everybody is starting with a blank piece of paper …A. W. Tucker, curator >Shadows on the Wall: Cameraless Photography from 1851 to Today F&D Cartier, 2 pieces in collection: Wait and See 2011 and Roses, 2000-06

Wait and See, Portland Light in-situ installation - veiled-unveiled
Wait and See, Portland Light in-situ installations solo show vidéo and video unveiling. Wall left: middle format expired USA photo papers various brands 1900-80. Center: Grid with expired b/w paper made by Dassonville & Co, New York, Charcoal Black, Oct. 1946. William E. Dassonville (1879-1957) was a self-taught chemist and an important californian photographer; hung inn exh. with Alfred Stieglitz, Clarence White, Gertrude Käsebier and other important members of the Photo-Secession. Corresponded with Alvin Langdon Coburn. This paper we used for the installation was the prefered one of Ansel Adams. R: Middle-big formats

Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, 2014
Wait and See, Portland Light in-situ installations solo show vidéo and video unveiling. Wall left: middle format expired USA photo papers various brands 1900-80. Right: Grid with expired b/w paper made by Dassonville & Co, New York, Charcoal Black, Oct. 1946. William E. Dassonville (1879-1957) was a self-taught chemist and an important californian photographer; hung inn exh. with Alfred Stieglitz, Clarence White, Gertrude Käsebier and other important members of the Photo-Secession. Corresponded with Alvin Langdon Coburn. This paper we used for the installation was the prefered one of Ansel Adams.

Kaunas Photography Gallery 2014 _ Deutsche Börse Prize Nomination 2015
The Never taken Images _ F&D Cartier _ Palauk ir Pamatysi
Tribute to Lithuanian photography. Kaunas Photographic gallery artists in residency 2013. Open call to the Lithuanian Photographers Association members if they wished to be included in a W&See installation, by handing us some of their personnal expired photosensible materials. By June 2014, 16 Lithuanian photographers & Institutions participated. We installed these papers for the duration of the exhibition, listing the different brands and mentioning the photographers' names: Gintauto Trimako / Antano Sutkaus / Aleksandro Macijausko / Romualdo Požerskio / Romualdo Rakausko / Gintaro Cesonio / Giedriaus Petrausko / Vytauto Pletkaus / Remigijaus Treigio / Vioietos Bubelytės / Sauliaus Saladuno / Aruno Kulikausko / Giedriaus Liago/ Arturas Valiauga >Taipogi uz fotopopierius dėkingi: Vilniaus universitetui / Vilniaus dizaino kolegijai. Sioje parodoje panaudoti siu Lietuvos fotografu fotopopiriai, Stiklo Ploksteles. “Polaroid” ploksteles. >We created a particular site-specific installation for each participant….>During 1940-1989, only sovietic photographic materials were available in Lithuania.
>Deutsche Börse Prize Nomination >Video unveiling the installation

Deutsche Prize Nomination 2015 "The never taken images" Kaunas Photo Gallery, LT,
Deutsche Börse Prize Nomination >Video unveiling the installation Glass plates negativs, sovietic period USSR, 1960 / 13x18cm

The Never taken Images
Deutsche Börse Prize Nomination >Video unveiling the installation Glass plates b/white negativs, sovietic period USSR, 1960 / 13x18cm

The Never taken Images, 2014 > Kaunas Photo Gallery LIthuania
One piece out of his Polaroid PRO 100 Pack was given to us by Arunas Kulikauskas, Lithuaninan photographer, who took part of the exhibition. See Video Polaroid Pro 100 F&D were Nominated for Deutsche Boerse Prize 2015

Deutsche Boerse Prize Nomination 2015 "The Never taken Images" Tribute to Antanas Sutkus
“The Never taken Images” Installation, detail above : Antanas Sutkus’s papers, offered to us as we visited him on September 9th, 2013 at his place in Vilnius. UNIBROM, USSR sovietic period, expired 1981. Knowing he woud be 75 years old that year, we installed 75 of this given papers to his tribute. We created a particular site-specific installation for each 16 participants for this show.….>During 1940-1989, only sovietic photographic materials were available in Lithuania.
>Deutsche Börse Prize Nomination >Video unveiling the installation

Antanas Sutkus, 2013.09.09
Unibrom, double-weight, matt, normal 18 x24 01.1981 USSR photographic paper from sovietic time, given signed-dated to us by Antanas Sutkus, (one of the most celebrated Lithuanian photographer. In those days only sovietic materials were allowed in USSR), which we used 75 sheets for The Never taken Images installation at the Kaunas Photo Gallery in 2014.

Uno Art Space Stuttgart, 2014
Wait and See, vue d’ensemble in-situ installation & detail Argenta, made in Germany, München-Passing, Superpress monochrom Papieren, until 1990 >Gelb, Silber, Gold, Rosa, Grün >Dimension variable. video

New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fe "Cameraless" 2014
Wait and See, “Adobes” Aug. 28 - Dec. 7 2014
<left, after one week in August 2014

Beta Issue 10, 2014 online magazine Wait and See F&D Cartier
Online magazine Australia

University Of Hertfordshire Galleries, St. Alban’s Museum, 2014
England UK, Anchor symbol British Marine, expired b/w papers, Oct. 4th, 1945, just a few days after the end of second world war. Rare paper, square format. Exposed directly at a strong light you can see the evolution of the installation on the top row. Botom: after one month exposure. Unprocessed, perpetual transformation.

Centre d’art Pasquart, 2014
Video > “Leaves”, in-situ installation, celluloid graphic plan-films Agfa and Kodak, 1980. Unfixed unprocessed perpetual transformation.

Anzenberger Gallery Vienna, 2013
Wait & See, Vienna Light - Secession style // >see video: installations concept. various expired black/white papers from Austria: Lainer & Hrdliczka, Wien, vor 1915. Anzenberger Gallery Vienna, 2013

Diffusion Festival Cardiff, 2013

Musée de Soleure, 2012
Video installation “Saturation” >Kodak type III, US Military contact paper, exp. April 1956

Kornhaus Forum Berne 2013

Kunst Museum Solothurn, 2012-13
#23 Kodak, Made in Rochester, Contact type III Military Paper, Expiration date Apr. 1956 25 X 56x46cm >Total dimension Installation 290x240cm >Video installation >Die Installation setzt 25 lichtempfindliches Fotopapier (schwarz/weiss) und das Licht ins Zentrum, also zwei grundlegende Elemente der Fotografie. Bei dieser Rückkehr zu den Wurzeln, die ein weiterer Ausdruck für die minimalistische Ausrichtung des Fotografenpaares ist, bewirkt die ausgeklügelte Art, wie die Bilder aufgehängt sind, ein Aufleben der Erinnerung an alte Fotopapiere mit unterschiedlichen Gradationen und Qualitäten. Das wird erreicht, indem das Fotopapier dem im Ausstellungsraum vorhandenen Licht ausgesetzt wird. Im subtilen Zusammenspiel mit dem Raum setzt die chromatische Veränderung der Fotopapiere ein: Je nach deren Zusammensetzung und der Art des Lichteinfalls verfärben sich die ebenen Oberflächen mit der Zeit nach dem (Licht-) Zufallsprinzip. Will der Betrachter die progressive Sättigung der Papiere mitverfolgen, muss er sich in Geduld üben und innehalten, um den latenten Prozess zu beobachten – der punktuelle Blick trägt dazu bei, den Vorgang mit Sinn zu füllen. Mit dieser Inszenierung gelingt es F&D Cartier, auf zugleich nachdrückliche und einfache Weise ein Dispositiv zu erstellen, das die gelebte Zeit nachzeichnet. Von der gelebten, vergangenen Zeit zeugen einzig die Exponate, die nun mit abstrakten Nuancen bedeckt sind.

Kunstraum Aarau 2012 "Offene Systeme"
“Offene Systeme” Wait and See in-situ installation >>see video installing the piece

Journées photographiques de Bienne, 2011
Le temps fait son œuvre Festival theme >Wait and See, 2011 >Behind the title “Wait and See” lies an earlier project entitled “A-venir. Le temps d’être suisse” (1998). The updated performance at the Neuhaus Museum (Biel/Bienne) places black and white photosensitive paper and light – two fundamentals of the discipline – at the centre of its process. ... Audio interview in french “Paroles de Photographes” Jouph 2011

A - V E N I R , 1998 >origin of Wait and See
A - VENIR, 1998 Premier travail en commun F&D Cartier >Prix Jordi de la Photographie, Genève 1998, >sujet imposé: "Le Temps d'être suisse" >Frise composée de 26 tableaux/cantons suisses, de formats en rapport à leur superficie topographique, réduits à 7 formats papiers usuels. Installation par ordre alphabétique sur une ligne. Exposés à la lumière, ils virent en couleur, selon leurs propriétés et en réaction avec les conditions ambiantes….>Technique : 7 papier photosensible noir/blanc (Ilford et Kodak stock personnel DC) de format usuels 10x15 _ 17,8x24_ 20x25,4_ 24x30,5_ etc,. Papiers vierges sous plexiglas 5mm / exposition photochimique continue / non traités
Very first installation under logo F&D Cartier. We did send the anonymous dossier/parcel of works under alias “Cold and Hot” (= CH = Switzerland) one day before date limit, with a pencil draft dummy of how to install them, alphabetically on one line, see> CONCEPT “A-VENIR” F&D Cartier :::: JURY decision members ::: Analyse Sylvie Henguely “Giving form to Light”

Velox: invented by Leo Baekeland
Invented in 1893 by Leo Baekeland, Belgian-born American chemist, Velox was the first photographic paper that could be printed in artificial light (previously sunlight only). Founder of the Nepera Chemical Company in Yonkers, New York. In 1899 Baekeland sold his company and rights to US inventor George Eastman. Kodak did the rest…
Kodak Velox, 1940's from series Wait and See, 1998 - present, 30 days and one day exposure, 2011 >catalogue #10 Kodak France, Velox D VDG-5 Brillant Extra Dur, expired about 1940's, 64x90mm

Société Lumière Paris/Lyon, 1915
The Lumière brothers, Auguste (1862 – 1954) and Louis (1864 – 1948), were among the first filmmakers in history. Early color photography inventions.
>Exposure test 12.2015, perpetual chromatic evolution, unfixed >#29 Société Lumière, Paris/Lyon >Brillant force papier, expired 1915, 9 x 12 cm

Mimosa AG, Dresden, 1913
from series Wait and See, 1998 - present >Exposure test 26 janvier 2015, unprocessed, unfixed >#572 Mimosa AG, Dresden Celloidin-Papier, Matt - Dünn, 9x12cm, expired 1913

Lumière, Paris/Lyon, 1911
from series Wait and See, 1998 - present >Exposure test 30.08.2011, unfixed >#30 Lumière Paris/Lyon, Lugda Gaslight, 7 x 11 cm, expires 1911
The Lumière brothers, Auguste (1862–1954) and Louis (1864–1948), were among the first filmmakers in history. Early color photography inventions.

Remington Rand, Elmira, NY., March 1949
Remington Rand New York 1927-55, original manufacturer of the first commercial computer in the USA, RR produced typewriters, weapons
from series Wait and See, 1998 - present, >Exposure test 29.03.2013, archived unfixed >#115 Remington Rand, Elmira, NY., Feather weight, 81/2 x 11 inches, Exp Mar 1949

Tellko Fribourg, Suisse, 1960
Tellko is the ancestor of Ciba, who invented the Cibachrome one of the most emblematic color photo paper. Rare Swiss product.
from series Wait and See, 1998 - present, >Exposure test 31.01.2017, unfixed >#31 Tellko, Fribourg CH, Lonex brillant, expired 1960, 10x15 cm

Archive F&D Cartier Photo-bumaga, USSR, expired sovietic papers
The never taken Images, Kaunas 2014 >Examples of PHOTO BUMAGA (USSR sovietic papers 1920-89, ex Russia) offered by 16 Lithuanian photographers, Vilnius University, Vilnius Art School, that we installed according to each "individualities" subjective perception. >Deutsche Börse Prize nomination 2015

Green Light, 2016
Luminogram, from series Light, 2016, see PDF Constant chromatic evolution, unfixed expired material. >#606 Guilleminot & Boespflug 1900-20, Glasplate/plaques de verre négatif 13 x 18 cm