experimental photography
F&D Cartier  pages 108 9 10  IMG_8693.jpg

Archives <67-98>

Reconsidering our archives, we showcase individual works _ Françoise et Daniel _ from 1967 to about 1998, when we joined our practices, initiating the ongoing project Wait and See, 1998 - present as a duo/team in life and art, F&D Cartier @fdcartier #archivesfdcartier A legacy with the *Fotostiftung Schweiz has been endorsed in 2014, for the archives and estates of F&D Cartier’s future works. Positiv and contacts. >*The Fotostiftung Schweiz administrates archives and estates of numerous photographers and looks after their copyrights. The estates consist of more or less complete negative archives, original prints, contact prints, publication items and documents.

Archives and Estates F&D Cartier Swiss Foundation for Photography Winterthur Teile des Archivs bei der Fotostiftung Schweiz Winterthur >> Image: from series Femme-Pierre, 1975 Swiss Federal Grant 1977

Umfang Ca. 2000 Schwarzweiss-Abzüge, 300 Kleinbild-Diapositive, 100 Negativfilme ThemenFotogramme, Fotografie, Zeit, Tod, Vergänglichkeit, Konzeptuelle Experimentelle Fotografie, Reisefotografie Zeitraum 1972 bis heute

Bourse Fédérale 1980

Confrontation I - VI

LE TEMPS UNIVERSEL Musée de l’Elysée Lausanne & Photographs Do Not Bend Gallery, Dallas, Texas Dec 2nd 1995 - Jan 3rd 1996 Exhibition Catalog >R E V E R, Gard France, 18 au 22 juillet 1995 Série de 5 Polaroids 665 n/b, une prise de vue par jour (paysage, bois, terre, herbe, pierre, ciel). >Jour 1: “objets trouvé” tel quel dans le paysage= photographie, paysage, tas de bois > jour 2: ajout pyramide tas d’herbe > jour 3: ajout pyramide tas de pierre > jour 4: enlève ajout pyramide herbe > jour 5: enlève ajout pyramide pierre, le paysage est laissé tel que trouvé le premier jour, seules restent les traces au sol de l’intervention humaine. Rêver, apparition-disparition. un palindrome, comme été (lecture de doite à gauche et de gauche à droite)


the silence of the words that induce "images"
the silence of "images" that induce words
mental images :: inner-image :: word-images :: mots-ombres :: reflected-words :: picture alphabet

concept associations of ideas, daydreams, continuous process of apparitions and word associations, at irregular intervals, randomly, mostly just before waking up.
new combinations (palindromes, words-suitcases) which may include the following terms of foreign languages we speak, shifts in direction.
technique -letter-bugs black steel, gold reverse side :: -1950s advertising characters on white cardboard :: -colour snapshots, unique Polaroids Image + Polaroids SX-70
-staged to be photographed in the sun. :: -65 unique Polaroids to date


Mère Nature, 1995 Françoise Cartier

Unique série photographies couleurs 7x 50x33cm s/alu 1mm


Phalènes I et V, 1995 Françoise Cartier Assemblage mixed-media sous plexiglas 51x41x3cm Collection des Arts visuels de la Ville de Bienne 2000