Disparition _Red _Hours _Vanitas

Disparition, 2019
OBJETS TROUVéS Archive of a Swiss 1920’s photoshop.
Found objects: b/w 24 x 36mm contact prints . Exposed to daylight “after 100 years”, we noticed their strange reddish colors, just before “the images” disappeared slowly in front of your eyes. Badly or not at all fixed at the time?

Red 1-12, 2018
Cantonale 2018 Kunstmuseum Thun, 08.12-2018 - 20.01.2019 >USSR, Plans films 13x18cm, TASMA, Kazan, 1980, Evolution chromatique constante durant la durée de l'expositon, du rouge clair au rouge sang-de-boeuf -matériaux photosensibles non fixés >12 compositions 170 x 410cm > PDF

COLORS, 10.2018
1. Color RED >#441 Objets trouvés -Bruxelles 29.12.2010 29.8x40 cm
2. Color BLUE >#218 EASTMAN KODAK CO, 07/1993 35mm x 51/4 in (13,3cm)
3. Color JADE >#440 KODAK, 1980 14 x 17 in. / 35,6x43,2 cm
4. Color YELLOW >#499 ILFORD FILM, 80 10,2x12,7cm
5. Color GREEN >#442 AGFA GEVAERT, 1980 30,5x45,7 cm
6. Color FIRE >#200 EASTMAN KODAK CO, 1980 20,3x25,4cm

Spectres, Red pile, 2018
Series of framed inactinic photopapers, protective for black and white virgin photosensitive materials

U N F O L D E D, 2015
from series U N F O L D E D, 2015
ALMOST BLACK Unique Luminogram, processed 2015 >AGFA Brovira, Silver gelatin photo paper 30 x 40 cm - 11 3/4 x 15 3/4 in.
Stainless steel Lehni frames 50x40cm

UN F O L D E D, 2015
Series of unique Luminograms, processed 2015 >AGFA Brovira
Silver gelatin photo papers 30 x 40 cm - 11 3/4 x 15 3/4 in. >Kunstmuseum Solothurn, 2016

Night and Day, 2015
catalog #424 Lumière & Jougla Réunis, Paris, 1902, uniques tirages 17.07.2015 >#423 Lumière & Jougla Réunis, Paris Jougla, 1900, Cartes Postales, uniques tirages traités le 17.07.2015 >#425 Lumière et Jougla Réunis, Paris, Platine, 1902, uniques épreuves non traitées, exposées le 17.07.2015 > see pdf

Expired b/w photo sensitive papers inserted in old-timer cameras (Brownie 0 , +++,) as negatif instead of normal negativ films. Long time exposure through windows, recording passages of the sun, climatology, etc,. Unprocessed Luminograms. The sunlight might one day extinguish what it created....Wait and See...

V A N I T A S, 1999
Unique prints. Painting V A N I T A S with fixativ and revelatoron sensitive gelatin papers. Fixed. Unique 2 series of 7 prints.

QUEEN B, 2017
Françoise Cartier, from series assemblage in glas boxes _ detail airplane view

QUEEN B, 2017
Françoise Cartier, Front view 28 x 21 x 21 cm glas box, mixed media _stilleto daim noir, cire d'abeille, moulure, épingle_

Varlin _ November 1973 in Bondo, Val Bregaglia
1973, appointed by Mrs Walter Binder and Hugo Loetscher -photographic studies (Zurich Angewandte Kunst Fotografie)- to "portrait" the Swiss painter Willy Guggenheim, alias Varlin, both in his studio + private life .>I had edited about 225 images, no cropping at all, (as I always practiced) first sketch 1973.

CO MEDIA, 1994-199
Series of about 100 SX-70 Polaroïds, assembling words with pin letters from the 50's (used for window publicity in these days) >see PDF

Le Lit de Sophie, installation 2003 - 2015
inkjet archival print under acrylic 2x acrylglass, 100 x 140cm >Edition 1/3

Unique Luminogram, Unfixed, pin letters publicity 1950’s